How Many Calories are in Egg White?

Egg White Calories Calculator

Egg White Calories Calculator

How many calories are in one egg white?

One large egg white (33g) contains about 17 calories.

How many calories are in 100g of egg white?

100g of egg whites contain approximately 52 calories.

Are there carbs in egg whites?

Egg whites have a very small amount of carbs, about 0.2g per egg white.

How much protein is in an egg white?

One large egg white contains about 3.6g of protein.

How much fat is in an egg white?

Egg whites are nearly fat-free, containing less than 0.1g of fat per egg white.

How many calories are in liquid egg whites?

Liquid egg whites have about 25 calories per 1/4 cup (63g), which is equivalent to two large egg whites.

Are boiled egg whites different in calories from raw?

No, the calorie content of boiled and raw egg whites is the same, as boiling does not add or remove calories.

How many calories are in 2 egg whites?

Two large egg whites contain approximately 34 calories.

How many calories are in 3 egg whites?

Three large egg whites contain about 51 calories.

Are egg whites good for weight loss?

Yes, egg whites are low in calories, high in protein, and virtually fat-free, making them an excellent option for weight loss.

How many calories are in egg whites from a jumbo egg?

Jumbo egg whites contain about 20-22 calories per egg white, slightly more than those from a large egg.

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